
Showing posts from November, 2022

Saddique Shaban: Amina Must Answer for Football Mess

Veteran Sports Media Personality Siddique Shaban has called out immediate former Sports CS Amina Mohamed over the misuse of one billion shillings after she took over management of football in Kenya.  "It has been a year of anguish for players, coaches and clubs. Harambee Stars were denied a chance to host the 2023 CHAN, Starlets were denied the chance to play world cup qualifiers and there is uncertainty over there AFCON Qualifications for 2023. Amina Mohamed she oversaw this mess. She owes Kenyans an explanation. She must answer the tough questions.  The Caretaker Committee was given one billion to run a league that no one recognizes. Amina put her friends, cronies and fixers in the committee and they ruined the game. She needs to be held accountable" quipped Shaban. This issue has left a sour taste to many football lovers in the country who were treated to a ping-pong game pitting the then ‘ejected’ Football Kenya Federation officials of the National Executiv

Football Kenya Federation Walking The Tightrope to Fix Integrity Issues in The Game.

By Kenn Okaka Integrity is a key component of any forward thinking organization without which, every positive effort put in place to bring about development will be built on quick sand. The sports sector is no exception. For starters, this is a very important sector that has transformed to a multibillion dollar industry and there is thus every reason to jealously guard it. Kenyan football has in recent times been marred by allegations of match manipulation. This has brought questions on the integrity of the game. These doubts need to be put to rest as soon as possible.   Match manipulation, commonly known in Kenyan circles as match fixing is, just like doping in athletics, reported to be rife in both the Football Kenya Premier League (FKF-PL) and National Super League (NSL), the two top football leagues in Kenya. Match fixing can bring football in this country to its knees and the sooner this vice is curbed, the better for the good of our game. Match-fixing is when a game i

Dr. Oluga Shortlisted for Nairobi County Chief Officers Position

Former Director of Health Services in the Nairobi Metropolitan Services Dr.Ouma Oluga has been shortlisted for the position of County Chief Officer for the department of health in the Nairobi City County government. Dr. Oluga, who was previously the secretary general of the Kenya medical practitioners and dentists board, is being touted as the best suited for the position and enjoys the support of Health workers and community leaders. Dr. Oluga, who was appointed the Director of Health Services in the NMS following the deed of transfer of functions from the Nairobi county to NMS in 2018 prides himself of a glittering four-year period of service delivery making him among the best-suited candidates to fill the position among those shortlisted. NMS in the years that Dr. Oluga worked for Nairobi as NMS, the county was able to achieve many milestones among them the employment of more than 2000 workers including 200 doctors, 44 specialists, 800 nurses, 100 lab techs, 100 nutritio

Mudavadi’s Presidential Campaigner Lynette Nyangweso and Nairobi Planning Boss Analo Marked for City’s Chief Officers Positions

The Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi presidential campaign strategist Lynette Nyangweso and Nairobi’s Planning boss Patrick Analo have been shortlisted for Nairobi County Chief Officers positions. Nyangweso who worked at Mudavadi’s presidential campaign secretariat before the ANC leader shelved his ambitions in favour of president William Ruto and Analo who is the deputy director of Planning in the Nairobi City County government are in the race to be the Kenyan capital Chief Officers. Nyangweso previously worked at the National Treasury as the Economic and research analyst before taking up the political seat at the ANC headquarters. Kenya’s record 13 times premier league soccer champions AFC Leopards former Secretary General Oscar Igaida and Sande Oyolo father to comedian Ofweneke have also been shortlisted. Igaida who is the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Nairobi branch chairman Oyolo the Kakamega county coordinator and presidential candidate

Opinion: Why The “I am Nairobi festival” Should Include Floodlight Football and Other Major Sports

By Kenn Okaka The ‘I am Nairobi festival’, mooted by governor Johnson Sakaja, is a welcome idea that we should all strive to ensure is a success. The festival, which is the first of its kind, and the governor's brainchild, will celebrate and appreciate Nairobi’s diverse food, culture, and art. Being a journalist with a bias for sports and especially football, and as a football official, I urge Governor Sakaja to make night football one of the major events of the festival. Football is the most popular sport in the country and is thus able to attract a large number of enthusiasts, fans, corporate partners, and star players. Speaking at a meeting with officials from the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sakaja said the inaugural edition of the festival would take place after the Jamhuri day celebrations in December. It would offer an opportunity to celebrate the globally popularised matatu culture, as Kenyan mini-buses are known for. In this rega

President Ruto, Ngatia Encourage MSMEs in Digitisation Move

President William Ruto has today said that the Government will digitize its processes to enhance service delivery. Speaking today during the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises round-table meeting, the President who was hosted to the meeting by the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Richard Ngatia said that the move will save businesses time and costs. “We must clear more pathways and generate solutions that enable enterprises to work faster and do more. Small businesses have the capacity to move our economy forward, we must create an environment for them to thrive,” President Ruto said. President Ruto also said the government was formulating a policy framework for the creative economy to protect young people and build their capacity to earn livelihoods from their talents. He added that export documents and business information will also be digitised and consolidated in an integrated

MCAs Question Sakaja for Making Irregular Payments to Garbage Collectors

Nairobi Govenor Johnson Sakaja who campaigned on a platform of transparency and anti-corruption has started his tenure on a wrong footing at City Hall by paying service providers through an illegal account of the defunct Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) accounts .   The Nairobi Members of County Assembly (MCAs) have exposed Sakaja by questioning him on how he paid monies amounting to almost a billion Kenya shillings through the accounts of the NMS who term of service ended after Sakaja was sworn in as the Governor of Nairobi.   Sakaja is accused of making payments to garbage collectors amounting to 900 million paid through the NMS account.  Two weeks ago, the governor made an initial payment of Ksh303 million and then added Ksh580 million to the garbage collectors.   The MCAs called on the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to investigate the irregularities committed by Sakaja in regard in making the irregular payments to the garbage collectors.   “Sakaja is lo

"Why is the sacked Nairobi Attorney Lydia Kwamboka Still in Office," MCA'S questions Sakaja

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has been challenged to come out clean over the role of the suspended county’s Attorney suspended Lydia Kwamboka’s continued stay in office. Nairobi County Assembly (MCA's) led by the Youthfull Nairobi West ward MCA Rex Omolleh questioned why Kwamboka was still in office despite the Nairobi County Assembly terminating her services through impeachment last year. When Sakaja appointed his cabinet he did not name Kwamboka’s replacement as the city’s Attorney and yet the post was vacant to seem that the holder of that Kwamboka was still in office. “The cabinet nominees are supposed to undergo vetting while the post of the Attorney whose nominee has also to be vetted has not been nominated despite the post falling vacant after Kwamboka was ousted to bring uncertainty in the Nairobi County government,” said Omolleh. Omolleh said despite Kwamboka being illegally in office she has been transacting business on behalf of the county which risks the S

Former Senate Minority Whip Beatrice Kwamboka Quits ODM

Former Senator and deputy Senate Minority Whip Beatrice Kwamboka has resigned as the opposition Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Nairobi branch secretary. In a letter addressed to the ODM executive director, dated November 1st, 2022, Kwamboka so as to give other upcoming leaders a chance to serve ODM and gain exposure in leadership. “It is for this reason therefore that I write to relinquish the position of Secretary General – Nairobi City County so as to accord another person the opportunity to grow and lead. I will forever remain grateful to H.E Rt. Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga, ODM and the entire party leadership for the nurturing and the exposure that I have experienced for being a party member,” said Kwamboka. Kwamboka served as the Member of County Assembly (MCA) representing Mountain View ward Member in 2013-17 elected on an ODM ticket before being nominated as a senator by the party in 2017-22 where she rose to the position of the deputy Minority Whip in the