Waita: Mutua Don't Abandon Machakos People and Your Office

Incoming Machakos governor Hon. Nzioka Waita has asked outgoing governor Hon. Alfred Mutua together with his deputy Francis Maliti to resume their duties in the running of the county.

Hon. Waita has asked the outgoing administrators to respect the oath they took to serve the people of Machakos and resume their work since residents still required services from the county government.

The Governor and his deputy have lately been involved with national and county political activities at the expense of the county.

Deputy governor Francis Maliti who is eyeing to succeed his boss as the governor is reportedly to have been on the campaign trail full throttle way before the declaration of official campaign period by the National elections body IEBC.

Governor Mutua is also said to be deeply involved in campaigning for his allies who are running for various electoral seats in Makueni and other regions of the country.

This has seen a backlog of activities in the county at a time when the health staff have been lamenting of lack of pay and residents complaining of no drugs and poor services.

"Your mandate Hon. Governor Mutua is to serve the people. Your term is not over yet. Please call your deputy and resume your job. Machakos people still need services", pleaded Waita while on interview at a local radio station.

"We plead with you with all respect. Their is nobody in those offices. Call the deputy governor Hon Maliti and other staff back and serve the people of Machakos", Waita added.

Nzioka Waita who is seeking the governorship on a CCU t icket has promised to kick out corruption, theft and lazy workmanship from the county as soon as he takes office in August 2022.

Story by Alex Nzyoki 


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