Coffee Made in Kangundo to Be a Global Brand Says Katuku

Incoming Machakos Senator John Mutua Katuku is confident that coffee from Kangundo will be a global brand if his proposal for creation of processing and value addition industries is realised.

He said this yesterday during his meet the people campaign tour Kangundo sub county in the company of gubernatorial candidate Nzioka Waita and running mate Florence Mwangangi.

"Kangundo produces the best coffee sort after in every corner of the world but this does not translate to returns for investment to the common farmer", he regretted. 
"We will get rid of all middlemen and brokers. I will lobby for funds from the National Government and other local and international investors to create processing factories here in Kangundo. Our Made in Kangundo coffee brand will be sort after all over the world, our farmers will get their deserved income and we will create employment for our residents especially the jobless youths", added Katuku. 
The two leaders promised to work togeeto make sure that the industry is also offered subsidy. Fertiliser and pest control chemicals will be offered at a subsidiary rate to cushion farmers from high input expenses.

"Our residents will be self reliant. Farmers will benefit as well as our youth will get employment locally without need of migrating to the cities", said governor aspirant Waita.
These processing industries are also expected to assist the incoming administration achieve additional revenues for development of other sectors in the area. 


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