Katuku, Waita to Lead Azimio Campaigns in Ukambani Region

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya presidential aspirant Raila Odinga has named former Water and finance minister John Mutua Katuku as part of the team that will lead his campaign in the Lower Eastern region. 

The former Prime Minister has also named former State House Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita County Speaker Florence Mwangangi into his team, that will be tasked with pushing the Azimio agenda in the Lower eastern region. 

Katuku is seeking the Machakos senatorial seat on a People’s Trust Party ticket. 
The People’s Trust Party leader served as water minister and finance assistant minister in former president Kibaki's government and is seeking to be the fourth Machakos Senator.

Odinga who is seeking to consolidate his Ukambani vote has also named former County Chief of Staff Mwengi Mutuse to the campaign team.

The region, in which the ODM leader has his eyes on comprises Machakos, Makueni, Kajiado and Kitui counties, which remain crucial in his quest to succeed President Kenyatta.
It may also ruffle feathers within the region, especially with Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka yet to publicly announce if he will work with Odinga ahead of the polls. 

Amid the uncertainty in Azimio Hon. Katuku was among the first leaders to openly call out Kalonzo, asking him to live up to an oath he allegedly took at the residence of the former president, the late Daniel Moi to protect the interests of the Akamba nation.

"When Mulu Mutisya held Kalonzo's hand and took him to Kabarak where he was anointed as the leader of the nation, Mulu expected that he would unite all our people and bring prosperity. Instead, he is overseeing the systematic destruction of the unity," Katuku said.

Katuku, Waita and Mwangangi are expected to consolidate the men, women and youth vote and also provide an alternative voice with outgoing governor Alfred Mutua having decamped to the Kenya Kwanza camp.

The Lower Eastern region is poised to be among the swing-vote regions for both Odinga and the Deputy President William Ruto with each side leaving nothing to chance so the Katuku led team have an already cut out job to do in consolidation of the region's votes. 


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