Nairobi Youths Rally Behind Igathe in Race to City Hall

Nairobi youths have declared their support for the Azimio La Umoja city’s gubernatorial candidate Polycarp Igathe in the forthcoming general elections slated for August 9th, 2022.

“We will ensure that we campaign 100 per cent for Igathe as our preferred gubernatorial candidate because he has our interests at heart. We have been excluded for a long time and we are not happy with the exclusion from various Nairobi County government opportunities but with Igathe at City Hall we are sure the youth of this county will reap from the benefits of his leadership,” they said.

They made the declaration in a youth meeting with Igathe where they endorsed his candidature to be Nairobi’s next boss.
Igathe could not hide his joy after getting the nod from the youth and gave them an assurance that he will in return not disappoint them.

“Thanks for having that trust believing in me. In return as your humble servant I will ensure that the cries, complains and mourning of the youth will be a thing of the past and never in my administration. I will be a source of your happiness,” said Igathe.

The youths said after a lot of soul searching, research on candidates and going through manifestos of various gubernatorial candidates they found Igathe to be best and most suited to suit the interests of the youth in Nairobi.
Raila Odinga’s strong man Absalom Odhiambo Onyango popularly known as Matakweyi or Matach a social activist and the man behind viral videos that support the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leaders Raila Odinga said as the youth they have met and unanimously agreed to support Igathe.

“Voting for Igathe will ensure that our Azimio La Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga when elected to State House has a reliable foot soldier on the ground as Governor whom they can work together in restoring Nairobi’s lost glory and bring sanity in the city,” said Matakweyi who is vying to be the Korogocho ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) on an ODM ticket.

Embakasi youth leader James Masese said they have settled on Igathe as he has stood out to be a symbol of unity in Nairobi which has people from different tribal, social and religious backgrounds.
“The main reasons as to why we have settled on Polycarp it’s because he has involved the youths beyond tribal lines in his campaigns and he is the only aspirant who has visited different areas in the city asking people what they want to be done to them while the candidates, his opponents are full of themselves moving around telling us what they want to do to us which most don’t even resonate with us, they are out of touch with the reality at the grassroot, yet they pretend to be agents of youth empowerment” said Masese.

Charles Brian Daddi a youth from Dagoreti said they needed a role models to mould them a virtue and quality they have seen in Igathe and Raila compared to the Kenya Kwanza leaders even in City who have questionable characters which are a bad example to the youth.

“As the youth in Nairobi we shall send Sakaja home so that he can have enough time to back to school to complete his studies and take Igathe to City Hall to work for us,” said Daddi.
Makadara Youth leader Rose Apur Abach called on the youth to back Igathe’s bid saying he is has outlined in his agenda how he will create employment for them and empower the youth out of poverty.

“Igathe looks genuine as he has been consistent about what he says including his history which has not been shrouded in controversy compared to his rivals whom we do not trust to lead us,” she said.


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