DCI Detectives Probe Makadara CDF

Detectives from the Department of Criminal Investigations unit have started investigations to unearth details of suspect misappropriation of funds meant for bursaries by Makadara National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) committee in the past five years. 

The DCI detectives are following leads in an alleged fraudulent transaction by the committee where 54 million shillings was paid to a driving school in 2019 while there is no sufficient evidence of beneficiaries who attended the said driving school training.

According to the approximate market value across most driving schools in Nairobi, the said amount of 54 million paid to one driving school is enough to pay for at least 540 people to attend driving school while the NG-CEF committee under the current Makadara Member of Parliament George Aladwa has failed to provide the evidence of the students who benefited from the driving school lessons.
Detectives say that the impact of 54 million shillings towards driving school training would have been big and everyone in the constituency would have noticed. Further, the driving school with over 500 learners would be evidently transformed and nationally, no MP or County Governor has paid such a huge amount to a driving school.

DCI are also investigating an allegation that Makadara constituency has only issued out bursaries equivalent to only half of the amount that was allocated from the exchequer for the last five years yet there were no remittances of un used funds back to the consolidated fund and there is no amount left for bursaries at the constituency.

The investigations are also looking into instances where money has been paid to non existing contracts and have been fully paid for incomplete projects.

The murky details also indicate that Makadara constituency is also the constituency that has fewer development projects in the last five years compared to other constituencies.
Inside sources also say that Makadara has the highest number of complaints from contractors who have allegedly parted with money in form of bribes to the area MP in pretence that they will be awarded CDF contracts...

Makadara residents compare their area to the example of Embakasi West which is one of the leading constituencies in term of how CDF projects have been done yet the area MP George Theuri is a legislator who has been opposing the Government in the last five years as UDA and Ruto supporter.

The investigations are ongoing.

Story by: Abdi Hussein 


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