Lucy Mworia Mourns Murder Victims of Meru Bandit Attack

Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya Coalition party National Coalition Executive Council (NCEC) second Deputy Treasurer Lucy Mworia, HSC has underscored the need for unity and vigilance in the volatile areas of upper eastern region.

Speaking during the mass funeral of the six people, who lost their lives in an attack by camel herders in Meru, at Mwera O Malia and Ntulili areas, Mworia emphasized on the importance of unity in the even as emotions ran high.
“I joined other mourners at the mass funeral service of the Mwera o Malia six who lost their dear lives last week and I emphasized on the importance of unity, being vigilant and called on residents to be a brother's keeper,” Mworia said.

“It was a very emotional day to lower six coffins in one day and I pray that the almighty God will rest their souls in eternal peace,” she added.
Mworia, the Devolution Empowerment Party (BUS party) Mount Kenya East regional coordinator and Isiolo North parliamentary candidate condemened the barbaric murders and called on the ministry of interior to move in with speed and contain the criminals who reign terror and death on innocent civilians.

Other leaders who attended the funeral included the former Higher Education Cabinet Minister and incoming Tigania West MP Dr. Kilemi Mwiria, the leader of majority in the Meru County Assembly Victor Karithi among others.

Mworia has during her campaigns maintained the BUS party advocates for peace and co-existence and has placed peace as one of her key pillars alongside education.

“My priorities, once elected the MP for Isiolo North will be inthe areas of education and security with an emphasis on technical skills to address the issue of unemployment as well as curb insecurity. If education is catered for in the model I am advocating in Isiolo, it would solve several other issues and as you know, dealing with an educated society is easier to solve their problems,” she said.
“If our children who don’t go to college or those who drop out of school enrol for technical education, they will be equipped with skills to allow then secure employment and this will solve the escalation rate of un-employment in our society. When you solve unemployment, you solve insecurity,” Mworia noted at one of her past interviews.

Mworia is a former Ms President Reality TV Show contestant and women activist. During the muder incident, most appalling was that the victims were three innocent primary school children and two women.


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