ODM Youth Commander Stazo to Lead Azimio Youths March to Kamkunji for Raila

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Youth Commander Elijah Stazo Omungala has embarked on mobilizing young people for the Azimio anti-government rallies scheduled for December 7th and December 12th, 2022.

Stazo who is the Nairobi County Assembly deputy Minority Whip said he is bringing the youth on board to be part of Kenya’s third liberation which is key to their future in the country.

“Am calling on the youth to turn up and be part of the movement of correcting the wrongs and dictatorial tendencies which are being committed by the current regime of President William Ruto in fighting for their future,” he said.

Stazo said the youth missed an opportunity for prosperity a bright future after the country’s presidency was “taken away” from the Azimio candidate Raila Odinga at the August 9th elections saying that the former Prime Minister has their interests at heart.
“As the youth let’s back Jakom in putting President Ruto’s regime on toes for the good of our future which seems bleakunder the current administration,” said Stazo.

Stazo who is a second time Upper Savannah Member of County Assembly said Kenya is witnessing the emergence of a darker form of dictatorship than what we witnessed under KANU.

“We in Azimio are here to let Kenyans know that with the benefit of history we are hoping to protest and resist much more strongly than we did in 2007 because we now know how wrong this can go if we don’t stop it now,” he added.

“We appeal to Kenyans to get us right and clear that this is not about the four commissioners this is about the 2027 elections that could go terribly wrong if we let the Ruto administration get away with the fire they are lighting.”
Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya leader Raila Odinga has asked his supporters to convene at Kamukunji Grounds in Nairobi on December 7 and December 12.

Odinga says the gatherings will enable him to chart a way forward on how to keep President William Ruto’s government in check.

His remarks come a few hours after President Ruto suspended four IEBC commissioners to pave way for investigations into their August 9, 2022 election conduct.


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